To Report an Absence or Dismissal
A parent/guardian should contact the Attendance Office to report all Absences, Dismissals, or Tardies.
Absences - will be recorded in PS by the Attendance Office.
Planned Dismissals
A parent/guardian should contact the Attendance Office
The student should go to the Attendance Office before or after homeroom to get a Dismissal Slip. A Dismissal Slip will be prepared for the student to pick up prior to leaving the building.
Students MAY NOT dismiss themselves from school and leave without permission. We must hear from a parent/guardian PRIOR to your child leaving school. They must go to the attendance office.
Any non-health-related middle-of-the-day dismissals should be done through our Attendance Office by email at [email protected] or at 781-316-3573.
A parent/guardian may contact the Attendance Office at any time during the day to give their child permission for dismissal.
Unplanned Dismissal
A parent/guardian should contact the Attendance Office
Illness, if a student feels ill during the school day they must report to the Nurses Office where our nurses will assess your child and consult with a parent/guardian to arrange dismissal.
Non-Health, have your child pick up their dismissal slip prior to leaving school.
Please do not instruct your child to leave school and notify us later.
Doctor’s notes can be handled through the House Office for medically excused absences.
Our nurses will assess your child and dismiss them after consulting with a
- parent/guardian.
- All health-related dismissals should be done through the health office.
- Please do not instruct your child to leave school and notify us later.
Please inform the School Nurse if your student tests positive for COVID or if you have questions about symptoms.
Phone: 781-316-3563