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Spyponders & Google Classroom

Spyponders Gmail

Spyponders Google Classroom
The RUP, BYOD, and DCA define the rules, expectations, and guidelines for the acceptable use of technology and digit citizenship at Arlington High School.

Activating the Spyponders.com Accounts:


Students with a Responsible Use Policy, RUP on file are issued Google Apps accounts using the format of first initial, last name, and year-of-graduation, all lowercase @ spyponders.com.


  • For example freshman Frank Smyte would be [email protected].
  • Students will need to log in and activate their accounts.


Students can log in to their accounts in one of two ways:

Using the Spyponders.com link at the top of this and most pages on this website (using only their username, without the @spyponders.com, for ex. fsmyte2022)

Using a Gmail login screen. (using their full username with the @spyponders.com, for example, [email protected]

The most common login mistakes - are forgetting the yog or year of grade in their username or forgetting to use the plural spyponders

How to Close and Transfer a spyponders.com account (click here)

BYOD Agreement

Students are encouraged to Bring Their Own Devices.


Responsible Use Policy

Students and Guardians must provide a signed Responsible Use Policy, RUP by electronic signature in PowerSchool or by paper to the AHS main office. It's recommended that copies are left on file at home.

  • Google Apps for Education, GAFE is a suite of online tools for collaboration between teachers and students, including email, document, and presentation tools. Students with an AUP on file are issued a GAFE under spyponders.com.
  • Students are encouraged only to use their spyponders.com accounts while at school and are reminded that if they choose to use other personal electronic accounts while at school, they provide the school the right to review those accounts.
  • Spyponders accounts use the format of first initial, last name, and year-of-graduation, all lowercase @ spyponders.com. For example, freshman Frank Smith would be [email protected].

Google Classroom is built into Spyponders.com and is used by many to teachers to assign and collect classwork and homework. (Learn more about Classroom.)