Quick Links » AESOP / Frontline

AESOP / Frontline

AESOP / Frontline - Teachers and Staff absence management portal

How do I interact with Aesop?

1. You can interact with Aesop on the internet at app.frontlineeducation.com Here, you will be able to enter absences, check your absence schedule, update personal information, and exercise other features such as uploading your lesson plans for substitutes to view online.


2. Use this form to request personal days just before or after a holiday or vacation period, or if you are requesting unpaid days beyond your personal days. In addition, you should use the form if you need time off for serious family illness that requires bedside attention. 


3. Please review the AESOP FAQs for a detailed explanation of absence categories and policies.


If you have any questions, concerns, or comments; please contact Robert Spiegel or Kelly Pigott by phone or email as listed below.


Robert Spiegel 

[email protected]


Kelly Pigott

[email protected]
