Instructional Technology & Digital Learning
Jeffrey Snyder, Instructional Technology || 781.316.3572 || [email protected] || NB-Rm-218
APS policy limits the use of online resources to vendors agreeing by signed contract to respect student privacy as required under the federal FERPA and COPPA laws.
Student Computers
BYOD or Bring Your Own Device - how to
(This document describes the AHS philosophy on using electronic devices and guidance about which devices students and parents might choose.) Program philosophy, details, suggestions, and agreement page Home Internet
Free or discounted internet services: |
Technology Policies and Guidelines
These are the APS and AHS tech guiding documents and policies
Responsibility and Integrity
AI Guidelines - click here hosting page - click here (see more below)
Student Responsible Use Policy - click here hosting page - click here
Academic Integrity Policy - click here hosting page - click here
(from p.7 of student handbook)
District Policies - Staff Acceptable Use, Internet Posting, Social Media
Privacy and allowed resources
Student Data Privacy compliance aka the Allowed Online Resources list - info list
(AI tools need to be ok’d on privacy, just like all online tools)
BYOD (Bring Your Own Device) - click here hosting page
Device Care Agreement - click here hosting page
Cell Phone Policy -
Public Postings - Sources
AHS website - Tech and Digital Learning Page
AHS Library website - Research Handbook
(avoiding plagiarism page)
AHS website - Student Handbook Page
(p.7 for Academic Integrity)
APS website - Digital Learning Policy and Guidelines Page
APS website - Staff Forms Page
Student Data Privacy and Allowed Online Tools:
(Please note this section concerns student tools. Guidance and rules for staff use are defined in the staff AUP, the staff handbook, and other professional documents.)
There are many online learning tools, but we can only use some of them. The APS policy only allows the use of digital resources that agree by contract to respect student data privacy. These contractual arrangements are requirements defined under the federal FERPA and COPPA laws, and they apply when the "resource" collects student personally identifiable information, or PII, by means such as student logins or by tracking technologies such as cookies.
- Allowed - resources that sign a privacy contract are on our allowed digital resources list.
- Not Allowed - resources refusing to sign privacy contracts are not on the list and are not allowed for student use.
- Staff can, at their own discretion, use resources for their own purposes. Also, APS has developed the Tech Hub website with information about many of our most important allowed resources.
You can research app privacy yourself if you’d like. Search the National Data Privacy Database to see which apps are getting approved, state and nationwide. If an app is getting approved by others, then the odds are good that we can get it approved. The opposite is true, too. If an app is refusing to sign with others, we’re unlikely to have luck with them. The Common Sense Media Privacy Ratings is a good resource, too. It offers a more nuanced evaluation of vendor privacy policies.
AI Guidelines - details as of 2023
AI Guidelines - click here hosting page - click here
AI Resource guide - click here hosting page - click here
Generative AI Use by APS Students
(excerpted from the AI guidelines)
(note that AI use by students is very limited as of the most current guidelines published in 2023)
The only Generative AI systems APS staff should ask students to use are those that are available directly or as part of other software listed in the APS APS Student Data Privacy Agreement Database. See the examples below and note that the offerings are very limited:
- As of July 2024, ChaptGPT, Bard, and Bing has NOT signed a Student Data Privacy Agreement and, therefore, APS staff should not ask or require students to directly use ChatGPT to complete assignments.
- Tools such as Grammarly and Canva have signed Student Data Privacy Agreements, and therefore, staff may ask students to use AI features embedded within these tools.
- We have procured SDPC for Magic School AI Innovators Program (paid) version
Students should only use Generative AI systems for schoolwork if they have been instructed to do so by their teacher. Assignments should follow instructor guidelines in order to avoid issues of academic honesty and plagiarism. All policies related to academic honesty and plagiarism apply to use of Generative AI systems by students (MLA Guide to Generative AI Citations; APA Guide to Generative AI Citations).
Bringing AI to Your Students
(note that conversation with students about AI is encouraged, even though allowed student use is very limited)
(excerpted from the AI resource guide)
Teach students:
- What is Al?
- How does ChatGPT work?
- What are the limitations of Al systems
- Terms of Service and Privacy Agreements
(ChatGPT: Over 13 and under 18 with parent permission only)
- Debate ethics and legal issues such as copyright/ownership, & academic honesty
- Should the government regulate Al?
- Bias in Al technologies
Generative AI Use by APS Staff
widely encouraged within professional guidelines- click for details
We offer students and families guidance in the healthy and safe use of devices and technology through a series of activities adapted for individualized learning by AHS from the Common Sense Media Digital Citizenship Curriculum.
(Note: it's always good to do a google search for Powerteacher gradebook setup. The youtube videos are always changing and are often good.)
- Get started
Take Attendance video - link
Attendance Absences- seeing all absences for a student
- from PowerTeacher, select the info backpack for the class
- select a student
- select Quick Lookup from the dropdown selections
- click the student's attendance number
- you'll see a list of all absences, dated and coded
IPad and Android App Setup - Ipad and Android - open the App, go to the server settings, and enter settings as they are in this image. (Won't work with APS Guest)(Only works in our buildings)
Parent-Student View in PowerSchool Portal Youtube, generic
(this is close, but not exactly what you'd see in the APS parent-student portal.)(credit peagreensoup.)
APS uses the Common Sense Digital Literacy and Citizenship curriculum to support the AUP. Staff, students, parents, and guardians are all encouraged to be familiar with the Common Sense curriculum.
APS uses the SAMR Model to creatively and actively use technology to promote higher-order thinking skills.
Kathy Schrock SAMR - Bloom Guide, PJPadagogy Wheel - link 2, Jo Harris SAMR - Bloom Video
Hattie Visible Learning - Ranking effective teaching strategies
Past Workshop has some foundational notes. November 4 Google Training
This document has the resources and lesson plans from my four Summer Workshop Sessions.
The Google Classroom and Google Forms Sessions are organized as hands on activities divided into basic, intermediate and advanced levels and are designed to help you learn the tools, or improve.
The Social Media Session has hands on activities to introduce Google+ and it’s Photo and Hangout tools.
The Formative Assessment has resources on research and theory about the powerful impact of Formative assessment.
(This video is super dated, and yet remains a decent overview of the basic tools and the video is perfect for someone who is completely new to Google Apps for Ed. The video's structure - the first 11 minutes is promotional and can be skipped, but the last 20 minutes is a nice demo of the applications. In other words, forward the video to the 11 minute mark to see the Apps overview.)
· G-Mail - Forward video to 11 minutes
· Calendar - Forward video to 15 minutes
· Docs - Forward video to 19 minutes
· Forms - Forward video to 23 minutes
· Sites - Forward video to 25 minutes
· Video - Forward video to 29 minute
Cloud Search training and help Gmail training and help
Google Calendar training and help Chrome Browser training and help
Google Contacts training and help Google Docs training and help
Google Drive training and help Google Forms training and help
Google+ training and help Google Groups training and help
Google Keep and Tasks training and help Mobile training and help
Hangouts Chat training and help Hangouts Meet training and help
Google Sheets training and help Google Sites training and help
Google Slides training and help Google Voice training and help